Eurasian Lev Gumilev Centre
Non-Profit Organization “Eurasian Centre” (Lev Gumilev Centre) has been operating in Russia since 2009. Our team staff is above 15 persons include freelance workers. CEO is Paul Zarifullin.
Audience: political, economic, business, cultural elite, active thinking students.
Affiliates: Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia (since 2009), Azerbaijan (since 2012), Kyrgyzstan (since 2012), Tajikistan (since 2014), Afghanistan (since 2015).
There were more than 1,000 scientific and ethno-political conferences and Eurasian club’s meetings. Hundreds of festivals, concerts, workshops, ethnographic expeditions were organized by Lev Gumilev center in different parts of Eurasia. We promoted friendship among peoples, local history, ethnomusic, etnofashion, popular anthropology film industry.
Our global goals:
– Eurasian ideology propaganda based on the principles of respect and social justice for all cultural, religious and ethnic diversity.
– Countries integration in the Eurasian Union operating by the “soft power” and the implementation of intellectual, political and economic projects.
– Formation of a new image of the Eurasian Union as the world’s spiritual and ethno-political center.
– Research of sacred geography.
Our objectives:
– Scientific, political, social PR and event management.
– GR-activities.
– Legal advices on the cultural identity rights of peoples.
– Development of eurasian integration strategy for regional departments.
– Support of history and philosophy scientific research and analysis.
Publishing and educational activities.
Our features:
– Carrying out the events on federal scale at any city. Development of event concepts and programs, website, choice of venue, invitation of leading speakers and participants.
Format: conferences, lectures, round tables, workshops, charity events, flashmobs.
Subject: ethnopolitics, ethnoeconomic, ethnology, ethnic psychology, anthropology, eurasianism, sacred geography, philosophy, culture.
– PR-support of the events, at our own resources, another media and TV, impact on the public opinion in the media and the blogosphere. (Mediaplanning, interviews, meetings, publications, work with educational, non-governmental organizations).
– GR-activity based on the initiative multinational expert group of proactive government representatives and private businessmen.
– Representation of Russia interests in the CIS countries by practical promotion of the key messages at the highest level.
– Monitoring of the ethnic and religious conflicts in the current and potential conflict zones. Development of the methodology of peaceful conflict resolution.
– Research of ethnic groups and cultures, ethnological and archaeological expeditions, restoration of ancient cities, sacred rituals and celebrations of the Eurasia peoples.
– Organization of the cultural initiatives, exhibitions, concerts, festivals, ethnic festivals.
– Advisory activity on peoples’ rights at the legal and political issues of cultural identity, human dignity, preservation of language features and ecology.
– Development of marketing strategies for the regional departments on the topic of Eurasian integration. Audit management, social-economic activities to improve the living standards of socialization measures, the development of marketing territory programs, branding and new positioning for positive changes and increasing the region investment attractiveness.