Провинции Афганистана, в которых за последние 7 месяцев проходили боевые действия
Ministry of Defense (MoD) on Sunday said at least 3,600 military operations have been launched across the country over the past seven months – killing nearly 9,000 insurgents so far.
“We managed to carry out 10 to 30 military operations on a daily basis in various provinces. Thousands of insurgents have been killed and their important resources have been destroyed so far,” said Mohammad Radmanish, deputy spokesman for the Defense Ministry.
According to the Ministry of Interior (MoI), at least 9,000 militants, including more than 100 commanders, designated governors and district governors of Taliban, have been killed in the military operations so far.
“Elimination of the enemy’s main bases and clearing the regions where anti-government groups have influence, were the main goals of the operations,” MoI spokesman Sediq Seddiqi said.
According to the ministry, Helmand, Farah, Uruzgan, Nangarhar, Badakhshan, Kunduz, Baghlan, Takhar, Faryab, Jawzjan, Maidan Wardak, Kandahar, Ghor and Nimroz provinces witnessed heavy wars and parts of the provinces collapsed to the Taliban during this period.
Shafaq Operation was a big military operation that covered all vulnerable parts of the country.
Meanwhile, a number of MPs criticized the leadership of the war by saying that there is a lack of coordination among the Afghan security forces.
“Many insurgents were killed in Shafaq Operation, but security forces have not gained the success that was expected. Meanwhile, the enemy has increased its attacks,” said Iqbal Safi, an MP from Kapisa.
“Parts of some provinces fallen to the Taliban during the Shafaq Operation. Thousands of small and heavy weapons were seized by the Taliban and the enemy became stronger,” said Hashim Alokozay, member of Meshrano Jirga (Upper House of Parliament).
Currently, Afghan security forces are conducting 15 planned operations along with night raids in 13 provinces in order to eliminate insurgents, reports say.
Abdulwali Arian, Tolonews