The fourth round of talks between the Presidential Palace-(ARG) and Jamiat Islami party held behind the closed doors of the Ministry of Foreign (MoF) on Tuesday.
Since it was a closed door talks, what transpired in the talks was not known.
A source on condition of anonymity said the two sides are debating the prospects of Jamiat’s shares in the cabinet.
The Jamiat party has once again warned to take other options unless the government ends the current deadlock and find a final solution for its demands.
“We hope to solve the problems through negotiations; otherwise we would take other options,” said Zabiullah Fetrat, deputy spokesman of Jamiat Party.
Reports suggest that in these talks, the two side exchange views on the implementation of the political agreement on the formation of the National Unity Government (NUG) and the fate of the post of Balkh governor.
In the meantime, the newly-appointed governor of Balkh, Muhammad Dawood is waiting for the Presidential Palace’s final decision with the Jamiat party that he can begin works as the new governor.
“We hope the negotiations between ARG and Jamiat party finalize as soon as possible and President issues a decree that Mr. Dawood begin his works as the new governor,” said Rahmatullah Fetrat, spokesman of the newly appointed governor for Balkh.
Afghan Senators also insisted that the Presidential Palace and Atta Muhammad Noor should end the current deadlock through negotiations.
“Afghan people are seriously concerning over the consequences of these political tensions. We hope the two sides reach an agreement as soon as possible,” said Senator Gulalay Akbari.
The spokesperson of Local Organs, Munira Yousufzad had earlier said Engineer Mohammad Dawood has been appointed as the new governor of Balkh after Ata Mohammad Noor’s resignation was approved by the government.
But Atta Muhammad Noor has rejected his dismissal as illegal and refused to leave a post he has held for 13 years.
Noor admitted that he submitted his resignation but he had a number of demands before stepping down which none of them has been met by the government so far.
Source ArianaNews