Taliban publish open letter calling on U.S. to start Afghan peace talks

The Taliban have published an open letter expressing a desire for peace talks and calling on the “American people” and “peace-loving congressmen” to press their government to withdraw from Afghanistan.

The letter assailed U.S. President Donald Trump’s strategy announced last August that called for military force to bring a more compliant Taliban to the negotiation table.

“If the policy of using force is continued for another one hundred years,” the letter reads, “the outcome will be the same … as you have observed over the last six months since the initiation of Trump’s new strategy.”

The letter promised a more inclusive regime, education and rights for all, including women. However, it seemed to rule out power-sharing, saying they had the right to form a government.

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Sayyaf urges Ghani, Atta Noor to end political tensions

Former jihadi leader and chief of the Council for Protection and Stability in Afghanistan, Abdul Rab Rasul Sayyaf, called on President Ashraf Ghani and Atta Mohammad Noor, the ousted Balkh governor, to end their political dispute.

Speaking at a scientific ceremony in Kabul on Friday, Sayyaf said the tensions between Presidential Palace and Atta Mohammad Noor is not in the favor of any side.

“It is not the time for these tensions, it is not the time for the disagreements; it is the time to join hands and save our country,” he said.

About two weeks ago, President Ashraf Ghani said in a statement that he has approved the resignation of Balkh governor.

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Ghani Delivers Eid Message, Tells Taliban To Join Peace Process

Delivering his Eid message on Sunday President Ashraf Ghani warned the Taliban they have run out of time and again called on them to join the peace process. He said: “You don’t have more time and if you are really Afghan than come to peace.” In his speech, during an Eid ceremony at the Presidential Palace, Ghani said to the Taliban that “your supporters are alone and you will also be alone.

We have support of the international community and the security forces that will stand against you.” “Peace is our demand, but conditions are clear,” Ghani said. He also mentioned the visit to Kabul by China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi and said the purpose of this had been to discuss the peace process in Afghanistan.

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Afghan Taliban issues statement for the Central Asian countries

The Taliban group in Afghanistan has issued a statement for the Central Asian countries amid concerns that the ongoing violence in Afghanistan could destabilize the Central Asian States.

Insisting on group’s policies to refrain from interfering in other countrys’ internal affairs, the group said “Its policy towards other nations is based on “لا ضرر ولا ضرار” (Do not harm nor accept harm) which has been repeatedly announced in the statements by the Islamic Emirate as well as in the Eid messages of its leader.”

The statement further added “Hence in accordance with the stated policy, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan wishes to assure the Central Asian countries and all its neighbors that – contrary to the enemy propaganda – the Islamic Emirate does not seek to interfere in the internal affairs of others nor will it allow anyone to use the land under the control of Islamic Emirate against anyone else rather we seek to live alongside others in an atmosphere of mutual understanding.”

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