The Independent Election Commission of Afghanistan (IEC) officials on Wednesday said more than nine million people have registered their names for the upcoming parliamentary and districts councils elections.
IEC spokesman Syed Hafizullah Hashemi told reporters that 9,072,208 people have been registered for the upcoming parliamentary and districts councils elections.
Mr. Hashemi further added that women form around 34 per cent of the voters who have obtained voter cards while men form 64 per cent of the voters.
He also added that around 173,000 Nomads and 583 Hindu/Sikh nationals of the country have obtained voter cards for the upcoming elections.
Accordig to Hashemi, the majority of the voters have been registered in Kabul while southern Uruzgan province has the least number of voters.
In the meantime, Hashemi said the independent election commission would announce the preliminary list of candidates within the next two weeks.
He also added that the independent election commission is committed to organize the parliamentary and districts councils elections as per the schedule announced earlier.