An Afghan delegation is expected to meet the Taliban representatives in Dubai next week, discuss peace and trace the causes of the ongoing war in Afghanistan.
“The agenda of the meeting is not clear so far, but finding the causes of the war and reaching to peace are the main objectives of the meeting,” said Sayed Akbar Agha, a member of the Afghan delegation.
In a bid to reaching peaceful dialogue with the Taliban, the Afghan government has held six rounds of QCG meeting to reconcile with the stubborn group, that also included representatives from Pakistan, United States and China. But in all occasions the meetings were apparently, failed to bring the Taliban to negotiation table.
“The High Peace Council has not taken serious steps for bringing stability in the country, and the government should find other alternatives that should include individuals who could be neutral to convince the Taliban for peace talks,” said Miagul Khalid, an Afghan political analyst.
Apart from Sayed Akbar Agha, the Afghan delegation will include some other influential political figures as the people expect the meeting to have positive outcomes alike previous attempts in the past.
Source Ariananews