CE Abdullah: Haqqani’s death won’t affect activities of his network

Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah says the death of Haqqani Network founder Jalaluddin Haqqani will not affect the activities of the militant group.

“I don’t think his death will affect the activities of Haqqani Network. His sons were leading the activities of the network recently,” Abdullah told reporters on Tuesday.

Following the issue, Javid Kohistani, a military analyst said that since 2007, Jalaluddin Haqqani had not been involved in group’s plans.

“Except issuing fatwas against the foreign military forces, he had no role in recent times and his son Anas Haqqani is leading the activities of the network,” Kohistani said, adding that the founder’s death will not have an impact on the going situation in the country.

Earlier today, the Taliban armed group in a statement confirmed that founder of the Haqqani Network has died due to the illness he was suffering from in recent years. In the statement, the Taliban also claimed that he was buried in Afghanistan. 

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Pakistan ‘admits’ housing Taliban, Haqqani Network in its soil

Pakistan’s envoy to the United States, Aizaz Chaudhry has said that his country is forcing the Taliban and Haqqani network to go to Afghanistan.

The U.S., Afghanistan and others have long complained that Pakistan offered safe haven to the Afghan Taliban and their allies, the Haqqani Network, allowing them to carry out terror attacks in Afghanistan. But Pakistan repeatedly has denied the allegations.

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American, Canadian Freed After Being Held Hostage Since 2012

Canadian Joshua Boyle and American Caitlan Coleman along with their children were freed this week during an operation involving Pakistani forces.

The couple were kidnapped in Afghanistan in 2012 and have in that time had three children.
They were reportedly held by the Taliban-affiliated Haqqani network.

According to Fox News, the operation that set Coleman, Boyle and their children free was undertaken by Pakistani forces based on actionable intelligence provided by US authorities, according to a statement by the ISPR.

US intelligence agencies had been tracking the hostages and shared the location with Pakistani counterparts when the hostages shifted into Pakistani territory Wednesday.

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Taliban release video of American university lecturers, demanding prisoners release

The Taliban insurgents group in Afghanistan released a new video of the kidnapped American University lecturers late on Wednesday.

The video shows the two lecturers, Kevin King and Timothy Weeks, making pleas to the authorities for their release.

According to the abducted university lecturers, the Taliban group demands the release of their prisoners from Bagram and Pul-e-Charkhi prisons in exchange for their release.

The video was published late on Wednesday and was apparently recorded on 16th June, weeks after reports emerged suggesting that the Afghan government is mulling to execute Taliban and Haqqani network prisoners in response to the deadly Kabul attacks.

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Sar-e-Pul governor, intelligence chief escape suicide bomber attack

A suicide bomber was shot dead before he manage to target the top government officials in northern Sar-e-Pul province of Afghanistan.

According to the local security officials, the suicide bomber was looking to target the provincial governor and intelligence chief during an official visit to the city.

Provincial governor’s spokesman Zabiullah Amani said the suicide bomber was shot dead seconds before he detonate his explosives.

Amani further added that the suicide bomber was identified as he was attempting to get close to provincial governor and intelligence chief.

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Nabil release secret docs about Pakistan’s support to Afghan militants

The former Afghan Intelligence, National Directorate of Security (NDS) Chief, Rahmatullah Nabil has released classified documents about the support of Pakistan to the Afghan militant groups, specifically the notorious Haqqani terrorist network.

The six documents released by Nabil include formal letters by Pakistani military and the military intelligence of the country, Inter Services Intelligence (ISI).

Nabil says the Haqqani network not only remained intact from Zarb-e-Azb operations but the Pakistani military shifted the network’s fighters, families, weapons and other equipment to safe places.

He said the Afghan and American intelligence agencies were undoubtedly aware of the move and National Directorate of Security has hundreds of classified documents of the Pakistani military regarding its support to Afghan militants.

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